Thomas Webb Fine Art & Illustration

Hard to get into the swing of things when everyone is home, due to snow and ice. I have recently left a bad bout of depression, (Im writing a little blurb about what depression looks like for me), anyway… Judi is back to work today, and my youngest is back to school (2 hour late opening), and I’m ready to buckle down and get to work! I started yesterday by organizing and cleaning my studio (which means making my studio a huger mess!) I will finish by putting everything back into its proper place this morning. I hope that after breakfast I will be able to enter my studio and get right back into the swing of painting. My goal is to paint 10 more canvases in 14 days!!! I hope to document that a little on my Facebook Illustration page, and here as well.


Ok now GET TO WORK!!!! ( that was me talking to me not you… you can do whatever you want.)